Trading Plan

Our financial widgets can help you improve your trading strategy.

When it comes to investing, having a trading plan is always a good idea.

A trading plan will help you develop greater trading discipline, as you will gain a better understanding of why one trading strategy might not work for you while another might. You will make more rational decisions and be less influenced by emotions as a result of your increased understanding of when to take profits and when to cut losses. While trading, your plan will compel you to monitor your actions. As a result, you will learn from your mistakes more quickly and will improve your future actions.

Steps to develop a trading plan

Decide what you want to achieve, and answer the question, "Why do I need to trade?"

Determine whether you want to trade full-time or part-time.

Go into detail about your goals. Indicate how much you wish to accomplish in what time.

Confirm how much risk you can tolerate and how much capital you are willing to lose.

Determine the total amount of capital you will invest and the amount of capital you will use to open trades.

Always be aware of what is going on in the market, and what events are scheduled for the near future on the economic calendar.